

出版社 出版サポート大樹舎
発行日 2014-06-01
  • JUN SOGA, M.D.
ISBN 9784905400110
ページ数 496
版刷巻号 4版
閲覧制限 未契約



  • 表紙
  • Preface for the fourth Edition
  • A : GUT ENDOCRINOMAS [Carcinoids and Variant Endocrinocarcinomas]
      • 1. Historic research background of gut-endocrinomas (carcinoids). Bull. Coll. Biomed. Technol. Niigata Univ. 6 : 5-29, 1997.
      • 2. Pathologic analysis of carcinoids. Histologic reevaluation of 62 cases. Cancer 28 : 990-998, 1971.
      • 3. Carcinoids : Their changing concepts and new histologic classification. In : Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic E ndocrine S ystem. A Cell-Biological A pproach. C hapt. X , e d. T. F ujita, IGAKU SHOIN LTD., Tokyo, 1973 : George Thieme Publ., Stuttgart, 1974, pp. 101-119.
      • 4. A classification of problems regarding gut endocrinomas (carcinoids and relevant neoplasms). J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 18 : 5-12, 1999.
      • 5. Carcinoids and their variant endocrinomas. An analysis of 11842 reported cases. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 22 : 517-530, 2003.
      • 6. Histogenesis of carcinoids in relation to ordinary carcinomas. Acta Med. Biol. 30 : 17-33, 1982.
      • 7. Early-stage carcinoids of the gastrointestinal tract. An analysis of 1914 reported cases. CANCER 103 (8) : 1587-1596, 2005.
      • 8. Carcinoid syndrome : A statistical evaluation of 748 reported cases. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 18 : 133-141, 1999.
      • 9. Analysis of carcinoid granules in relation to a recent concept of carcinoids as endocrine neoplasms of the primitive gut system. Acta Path. Jap. 25 : 707-716, 1975.
      • 10. Statistical evaluation of 2001 carcinoid cases with metastases, collected from literature : A comparative study between ordinary carcinoids and atypical varieties. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 17 : 3-12, 1998.
      • 11. Malignant characteristics of gastrointestinal carcinoids. J. Exp. Clin Cancer Res. 8 : 131-136, 1989.
      • 12. Esophageal endocrinomas, an extremely rare tumor : A statistical comparative evaluation of 28 ordinary carcinoids and 72 atypical variants. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 17 : 47-57, 1998.
      • 13. Argyrophil cell carcinoid of the stomach − A light- and electron-microscopic observation. Acta Pathol. Jap. 22 : 541-553, 1972.
      • 14. Argentaffin cell adenocarcinoma of the stomach : An atypical carcinoid? Cancer 28 : 999-1003, 1971.
      • 15. Argyrophil cell microneoplasia in the mastomys' stomach. − An observation on early carcinoid formation. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 55 : 1001-1006, 1975.
      • 16. An evaluation of composite patterns observed in two gastric carcinoids. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 14 : 349-361, 1995.
      • 17. Gastric carcinoids : A statistical evaluation of 1094 cases collected from the literature. Surg. Today 27 : 892-901, 1997.
      • 18. Duodenal carcinoids : A statistical evaluation of 635 cases collected from the literature. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 15 : 3-10, 1996.
      • 19. Endocrinocarcinomas (carcinoids and their variants) of the duodenum. An evaluation of 927 cases. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 22 : 349-363, 2003.
      • 20. Carcinoid somatostatinoma of the duodenum : Report of a case and an analysis of reported cases. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 10 : 17-30, 1991.
      • 21. Evaluation of 266 cases of hepatobiliary-pancreatic carcinoids. J. Hep. Bil. Pancr. Surg. 3 : 467-473, 1996.
      • 22. Primary hepatic endocrinomas (carcinoids and variant neoplasms). A statistical evaluation of 126 reported cases. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 21 : 457-468, 2002.
      • 23. Primary endocrinomas (carcinoids and variant neoplasms) of the gallbladder. A statistical evaluation of 138 reported cases. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 22 : 5-15, 2003.
      • 24. Carcinoids of the pancreas : An analysis of 156 cases. CANCER 104 (6) : 1180-1187, 2005.
      • 25. Carcinoids of the small intestine : A statistical evaluation of 1102 cases collected from the literature. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 16 : 353-363, 1997.
      • 26. Carcinoids of the colon and ileocecal region : A statistical evaluation of 363 cases collected from the literature. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 17 : 139-148, 1998.
      • 27. Carcinoids of the appendix : A case report, combined with statistical analysis of 142 cases of a Japanese series. Acta Med. Biol. 43 : 37-45, 1995.
      • 28. Goblet cell carcinoids of the appendix : A statistical evaluation of the biological behaviors in 170 cases collected from the literature as compared to 456 ordinary type appendiceal carcinoids. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 14 : 145-153, 1995.
      • 29. Carcinoids of the rectum : Tumors of the carcinoid family - Urgut endocrinomas. Acta Med. Biol. 29 : 157-201, 1982.
      • 30. Carcinoids of the rectum : An evaluation of 1271 reported cases. Surg. Today 27 : 112-119, 1997.
      • 31. Bronchopulmonary carcinoids : An analysis of 1875 reparted cases with special reference to a comparison between typical and atypical carcinoids varieties. Ann. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 5 : 211-219, 1999.
      • 32. Evaluation of 342 cases of the mediastinal / thymic carcinoids collected from literature : A Comparative study between typical carcinoids and atypical varieties. Ann. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 5 : 285-292, 1999.
      • 33. Carcinoids of the ovary : An analysis of 329 reported cases. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 19 : 271-280, 2000.
      • 34. Gut-endocrinomas (carcinoid and related endocrine variants) of the uterine cervix : An analysis of 205 reported cases. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 20 : 327-334, 2001.
      • 35. Gut-endocrinomas (carcinoids and related endocrine variants) of the breast : An analysis of 310 reported cases. Int. Surg. 86 : 26-32, 2001.
      • 36. Laryngeal endocrinomas (carcinoids and relevant neoplasms) : Analysis of 278 reported cases. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 21 : 609-617, 2002.
      • 37. Endocrinocarcinomas (carcinoids and their variants) of the larynx : a comparative consideration with those of othe sites. Oral oncol. 40 : 668-672, 2004.
    • 1. Pancreatic endocrinomas : A statistical analysis of 1,857 cases. J. Hep. Bil. Pancr. Surg. 1 : 522-529, 1994.
    • 2. The gastrinoma/Zollinger-Ellison syndrome : Statistical evaluation of a Japanese series of 359 cases. J. Hep. Bil. Pancr. Surg. 5 : 77-85, 1998.
    • 3. Insulinoma/hypoglycemic syndrome : A statistical evaluation of 1085 reported cases of a Japanese series. J, Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 17 : 379-388, 1998.
    • 4. Vipoma/diarrheogenic syndrome : A statistical evaluation of 241 reported cases. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 17 : 389-400, 1998.
    • 5. Glucagonoma/diabetico-dermatogenic syndrome (DDS) : A statistical evaluation of 407 reported cases. J. Hep. Bil. Pancr. Surg. 5 : 312-319, 1998.
    • 6. Pancreatic polypeptide (PP)-producing tumors (PPomas) : A review of the literature and statistical analysis of 58 cases. J. Hep. Bil. Pancr. Surg. 1 : 556-563, 1994.
    • 7. Somatostatinoma/inhibitory syndrome : A statistical evaluation of 173 reported cases as compared to other pancreatic endocrinomas. J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 18 : 1-10, 1999.
    • 1. The Niigata Registry for Gut-Pancreatic Endocrinomas. Bull. Niigata Seiryo Univ. 4 : 39-55, 2004.
    • 2. Carcinoid tumors : A statistical analysis of a Japanese series of 3,126 reported and 1,180 autopsy cases. Acta Med. Biol. 42 : 87-102, 1994.
    • 3. The term "carcinoid" is a misnomer : the evidence based on local invasion. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 28 : 15, 2009. [Publication online].
    • 4. Considerations on some problems in carcinoid research. J Gastroint Dig Syst 3 : 143, 2013.
  • Acknowledgement


A : GUT ENDOCRINOMAS [Carcinoids and Variant Endocrinocarcinomas]

P.18 掲載の参考文献

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