書籍名 |
貧血症 |
出版社 |
発行日 |
1973-06-30 |
著者 |
ページ数 |
316 |
版刷巻号 |
分野 |
閲覧制限 |
未契約 |
- 表紙
- 序文
- 目次
- 臨床ノート目次
- 1. 貧血概論
- 検査による潟血性貧血 (Nosocomial anemia.)
- 2. 鉄欠乏性貧血
- 骨髄穿刺液標本のヘモジデリン像による診断 (Diagnostic value of marrow hemosiderin patterns.)
- 健康女子学生の鉄欠乏症 (Iron deficiencys in healthy young college women.)
- 鉄剤と便潜血反応 (Influence of iron preparations on occult blood tests.)
- 月経出血量と鉄欠乏 (Menstrual blood loss and iron deficiency.)
- 貧血と原因不詳の便潜血陽性像 (Anemia associated with unexplained occult blood loss.)
- Pagophagiaと鉄欠乏性貧血 (Pagophagia and iron deficiency anemia.)
- 胃液酸度と鉄吸収 (Gastric acidity and iron absorption.)
- 鉄欠乏性貧血の骨レ線像 (Radiological features of iron deficiency anemia.)
- 血液塗抹標本の赤血球像からみた鉄欠乏性貧血の診断的意義 (Is the peripheral blood film reliable for the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia?)
- 鉄欠乏性貧血の診断 (The diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia.)
- 人工透析の鉄代謝に及ぼす影響 (Iron metabolism in patients undergoing regular dialysis therapy.)
- 3. 悪性貧血
- B12欠乏症に於けるメチルマロン酸の前駆物質 (Metabolic precursors of methylmalonic acid in vitamin B12 deficiency.)
- B12吸収試験. 胃切除後の病態 (Vitamin B12 absorption tests.Their unreliability in postgastrectomy states.)
- 白斑, 無酸症と悪性貧血 (Vitiligo, achlorbydria and pernicious anemia)
- 悪牲貧血, 慢性胃炎及び対照例の血漿ガストリン濃度について (Radioimmunoassay of plasmagastrin in pernicious anemia, achlorhydria without pernicious anemia, hypochlorhydria and in controls.)
- メチルマロン酸尿症 (Methylmalonic aciduria.)
- 喫煙のB12代謝, 排泄に及ぼす影響 (Effects of smoking on metabolism and excretion of vitamin B12.)
- 一卵性双生児と悪性貧血 (Discordant occurrence of pernicious anemia in identical twins.)
- リウマチ様関節炎と悪性貧血 (Pernicious anaemia and rheumatoid arthritis.)
- 悪性貧血に於ける内因子抗体とB12吸収能 (Intrinsic factor antibody and absorption of vitamin B12 in pernicious anemia.)
- 内因子抗体の胎盤通過性とB12吸収障害 (Transplacentally acquired antibody to intrinsic factor with vitamin B12 deficiency.)
- 表層性胃炎患者, 及び正常胃粘膜像を呈した例の長期観察 (Long-term follow-up of subjects with superficial gastritis or a normal gastric mucosa.)
- 胃癌に於ける内因子抗体, 壁細胞抗体の出現頻度とその意義 (The prevalence and significance of circulating antibodies to gastric intrinsic factor and parietal cells in gastric carcinoma.)
- B12注射後のアナフィラクシー反応 (Anaphylactic reaction after injection of vitamin B12.)
- 糖尿病, 自己免疫及び加令 (Diabetes mellitus, autoimmunity and aging.)
- 4. 無胃性貧血
- 5. 盲管症候群
- B12吸収と内因子の腸管上皮細胞内分布 (Evidence for the absorption of immunoreactive intrinsic factor into the intestinal epithelial cell during vitamin B12 absorption.)
- 内因子と細菌のB12競合 (Competition between bacteria and intrinsic factor for vitamin B12.)
- 膵機能不全とB12吸収障害 (Pancreatic insufficiency and vitamin B12 malabsorption.)
- KC1投与例のB12吸収障害 (Malabsorption and deficiency of B12 during treatment with slow-release potassium chloride.)
- 6. 葉酸欠乏症
- 7. 自己免疫性溶血性貧血
- Chlorpropamide 起因性免疫性溶血性貧血 (Chlorpropamide-induced immune hemolytic anemia.)
- PASによるアレルギー性溶血性貧血 (Allergische, immunhamolytische Anamie durch Paraaminosalcylaure (PAS).)
- メチルドーパー投与例の直接抗グロブリン試験及び抗核抗体 (Positive direct Coombs tests and antinuclear factor in patients treated with methyldopa.)
- セファロリジン治療と直接抗グロブリン試験 (Positive direct Coombs' tests assosiated with Cephaloridine therapy.)
- ペニシリンによる溶血性貧血 (Hemolitic anemia caused by penicillin.)
- セファロシンと直接抗グロブリン試験 (Coombs ' positive reactions associated with sodium cephalothin therapy.)
- ポンタールと免疫性溶血性貧血 (Autoimmune hemolytic anemia and mefenamic acid therapy.)
- INHによる溶血性貧血 (Hemolytic anemia with positive Coombs ' test associated with Isoniazid therapy.)
- 直接抗グロブリン試験陰性の自己免疫性溶血性貧血 (Red-cell antibodies in acquired hemolytic anemia with negative antiglobulin serum tests.)
- 補体第3因子の自己免疫性溶血性貧血に於ける代謝 (In vivo metabolism of complement . I . Metabolism of the third component (C ' 3)in acuqired hemolytic anemia.)
- 低温で証明される自己抗体を持った溶血性貧血例 (Hemolytic anemia with cold detectable IgG antibodies.)
- 自己免疫性溶血性貧血に於けるヘパリンの治療効果 (The use of heparin in autoimmune hemolytic disease.)
- 赤血球に対する過敏症 (Sensitization to erythrocytes, A distinctive syndrome.)
- 健康人の直接抗グロブリン陽性像 (Positive Coombs-Test bei Klinisch Gesecnd.)
- 自己免疫性溶血性貧血の赤血球脂質 (Red cell lipids in autoimmune hemolytic anemia.)
- 直接抗グロブリン試験のパターンと自己赤血球抗体の特異性 (A relationship of direct Coombs test pattern to autoantibody specificity in acquired hemolytic anemia.)
- 自己免疫性溶血性貧血及び発作性夜間血色素尿症の赤血球アセチルヒヨリンエステラーゼ活性の病態 (Red cell acetylcholinesterase deficiency in autoimmune hemolytic anemia and in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.)
- 自己免疫性溶血性貧血の予後と直接抗グロブリン試験のパターン (Erthrocyte coating substances in patients with positive direct anti-globulin reaction. Correaction of γG globulin and comlpement coating with underlying disorders, overt hemolysis and response to therapy.)
- 赤血球自己抗体の特異性と補体結合性 (Patterns of serologic specificity of human γG erthrocyte autoantibodies . Correlation of antibody specificity with complement-fixing behavior.)
- ホジキン病の抗グロブリン試験陽性溶血性貧血像 (Coombs ' positive hemolytic anemia in Hodgkin ' s disease.)
- 自己免疫性溶血性貧血 . 小児例の発病経過とウィールス抗体の内容 (Autoimmune hemolytic anemia.Natural history and viral-immunologic interactions in childhood.)
- 先天性低γ-グロブリン血症小児の自己免疫性溶血性貧血 (Autoimmune hemolytic anemia in a child with congenital X-liked hypogammaglobulinemia.)
- 8. 薬剤起因性の再生不良性貧血
- Stoddard溶媒と再生不良性貧血 (Development of aplastic anemia and the exposure to Stoddard solvent)
- クロラムフェニコールの染色体に及ぼす影響 (In vivo effect of chloramphenicol on chromosomes.)
- クロラムフェニコールの人白血球機能に及ぼす影響 (The effect of chloramphenicol on human leukoyte phagocytosis and respiration.)
- クロラムフェニコールの血漿消失時間と中毒症の関係 (Delayed clearance of chloramphenicol from serum in patient with hematologic toxicity.)
- 9. 再生不良性貧血
- 10. Banti 症候群
- 索引
- 奥付
1. 貧血概論
P.43 掲載の参考文献
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12) Hammond, G. D. , et al. : Erythropoiesis, edited by L. O. Jacobson and M. Doyle, p. 351, Grune & Stration, New York, 1962
2. 鉄欠乏性貧血
P.75 掲載の参考文献
2) Witts, L. T. : The Stomach and Anemia. ATHLONE PRESS, London, 1966
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3. 悪性貧血
P.124 掲載の参考文献
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4. 無胃性貧血
P.134 掲載の参考文献
1) Chanarin I. : The Megalobastic Anaemias. 1969.
5. 盲管症候群
P.146 掲載の参考文献
2) Watson-Williams, E. J. and Fleming, A. F. : Isolated malabsorption of vitamin B12 causing megaloblastic anemia and hyperpigmentation in a Nigerian. Blood, 28 : 770, 1966
6. 葉酸欠乏症
P.154 掲載の参考文献
7. 自己免疫性溶血性貧血
P.209 掲載の参考文献
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8. 薬剤起因性の再生不良性貧血
P.234 掲載の参考文献
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9. 再生不良性貧血
P.260 掲載の参考文献
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10. Banti 症候群
P.300 掲載の参考文献
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8) 中作修 : 大阪市立医誌9 : 1119, 1960
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